VSBA School Bundle

Custom Lightweight Seating

H2O Designs fabricated and supplied 62 lightweight concrete seats for Hutchinson Builders for 5 different schools, which form part of the VSBA. The modular seats were strategically positioned around the schools and designed to encourage students to relax, engage with other students and with their surrounding school environment.

Lightweight concrete bench seat

Project In Detail

modular seating

1. H2O seat modules in factory, prefinished and ready for delivery.

lightweight concrete seating

2. Alignment of seat modules in factory, prior to delivery.

3. Seats are then transported to each VSBA school site.

4. Seats are unloaded at each of the 5 schools.

lightweight concrete seating

5. Seats are easily manoeuvred and put into position.

lightweight concrete seating

6. Completed seat module installation, seats ready for student use.

courtyard design


Project Enquiry